Monday, December 27, 2010

Top Ten Of 2010 At TMIAJ Part One

2010 has been a banner year for TMIAJ as the site has taken off and done well and thanks for everyone's support.  We started daily coverage of things instead of just a post here or there, we have a facebook page and a twitter account, and we get a good amount of daily visitors.  We may not be the best but we try to be fun and just bring you the same stuff we dig!  So here is the first part of our Top 10 of 2010 at TMIAJ!

#10 Chris Evans Announced To Play Captain America

Not since the announcement of Hugh Jackman as Wolverine has the anticipation of a casting choice been anxiously awaited.  Who would play the Star Spangled Avenger?  Turns out it would be Chris Evans and as usual it was a love it or hate it choice with fan boys and the final verdict is yet to be seen, as Captain America: The First Avenger hits theaters in summer 2011.

#9 TGIF Girl & Retroplex Cinema Features

Fan boys dig hot chicks and so does TMIAJ so we started this weekly feature that we keep as at work safe as we can because this is a PG-13 site!  Turns out we knew you would like it as the weekly TGIF Girl gets regular page views!  The other very popular feature is Retroplex Cinema.  Revisiting old films is a great past time and apparently you all think so too as our Retroplex Cinema feature stories have proved to be very popular and we will keep them coming!

#8 Comic-Con 2010 Coverage

We didn't attend Comic-Con but TMIAJ did bring you the best coverage we could through out comic-con weekend including the latest information from all the big properties including The Avengers as seen to the left.

Tomorrow Star Wars makes the list as we count down to #1 on our Top 10 of 2010!