Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Top 10 of 2010 At TMIAJ Part 2

TMIAJ's Top 10 Of 2010 continues.  The greatest trilogy of them all makes an appearance as well as the greatest band in the world!

#7 Pearl Jam's 20th Anniversary Celebration

This isn't a Pearl Jam site but we do touch on music now and then and Pearl Jam is TMIAJ's favorite band and the band turned 20 this year and the celebration will continue into 2011.  We will continue to run feature stories on them as the year continues because we love 'em and they rock!

#6 The Empire Strikes Back 30th Anniversary

The anniversary of Empire could have ranked higher because for obvious reasons at TMIAJ we think Star Wars rules.  Look for much more Star Wars features in 2011 including a week or two or a month dedicated to the holy trilogy!

#5 Star Wars Saga Blu-Ray Announcement & Star Wars Trilogy Cutscenes

Lucasfilm announced the Star Wars sage is coming to Blu-Ray in 2011 and with it, they showed a lost scene from Return Of The Jedi that was on the net for a few days before being taken down.  It caused a frenzy and got people everywhere extremely excited.  We got excited enough that we ran a series of feature articles detailing the lost scenes from the original trilogy and you all loved it.  Check out the article here!

Tomorrow we reveal #3 and 4 on the lists and in the future at TMIAJ look for more Star Wars coverage as we get closer tot eh Blu-Ray releases including Star Wars Week coming soon!

TMIAJ Top 10 Of 2010 Part One