Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Top 10 of 2010 At TMIAJ Part 3

The top 10 of the year at TMIAJ continues.  A highly anticipated sequel hits as well as a highly anticipated announcement!

#4 Tron Legacy

We have been excited for Tron Legacy since it was announced almost three years ago and in 2010 it finally came out.  We covered it extensively and really thought the movie was great over all.  Who cares what critics think! 

#3 The Dark Knight Rises Announcement

Batman Begins and The Dark Knight were both amazing.  We waited patiently for an announcement on what Christopher Nolan's third Batman film would be.  After the death of Heath Ledger, Nolan took the time to think about where to take the franchise and made a little movie called Inception that was amazing in itself.  Then finally this fall he announced that work had begun on The Dark Knight sequel and it would be called The Dark Knight Rises.  Now the buzz is about who the villian will be and what the film will be about.  No matter what, with Nolan at the helm it will be spectacular. 2012 can't come soon enough!

Tomorrow we look at some honorable mentions that didn't quite make the list and we give you #2.  Then Friday we announce the #1 moment of 2010 at TMIAJ!

Top 10 Of 2010 Part 2

Top 10 Of 2010 Part 1