Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Top 10 Of The Decade

So lots of sites are doing their top 10 films of the year or of the decade and so I thought I'd do one here to at TMIAJ. Only these are the top 10 "best" films so to say but my top 10 favorite films of the decade! Let the countdown begin!

Honorable Mentions:
Star Wars Episode III: Revenge Of The Sith, Superman Returns, 300, Almost Famous, Star Trek (2009), Letters From Iwo Jima

10. City Of God

American gangster films have nothing on this hard core look at life in Brazil. The story of a young man who just wants out and away from the violence is gripping and powerful and resonates with any human with a soul for days.

9. The Departed

Martin Scorsese's masterpiece crime drama about gangsters, crooked cops, good cops, rats, and great acting from DiCaprio, Damon, Whalberg, and Nicholsan.

8. Batman Begins

Christopher Nolan rebooted the Batman franchise with this gritty "real world" look at Batman's origins but still staying true to the comic book roots of where it all began.

7. Black Hawk Down

Ridley Scott's modern war film based on true events is as good as they come. Superb cinematography a fantastic cast, great action and it's all based on real events that happened in the last 20 years so we remember seeing them unfold on television.

6. Open Range

Kevin Costner stared in and directed this great Western about free grazing cattlemen fighting back against a malicious rancher and his thugs. The shoot out at the end is the best in a film since the bank robbery in Heat.

5. Equilibrium

This little seen 2002 sci-fi flick is the work of director Kurt Wimmer. It stars a pre-Batman Christian Bale as a Tetragrammaton Cleric who keep the peace in a society where feelings and emotion are outlawed. The gun-kata fights are amazing and the look of the film is too considereing it was made for about 20 million.

4. The Lord Of The Rings Trilogy

Ya it might be three movies but how can you really seperate this decade's Star Wars. The trilogy is a technical marvel and the story is great too. The battles are epic and with The Hobbit films coming in a couple of years now is the time to revisit these.

3. Pan's Labyrinth

Guillmero Del Toro directed this absolutely amazing movie about a young girl whose fairy tale world comes alive. The imagery is unlike any you have seen and the main villian is as evil as they come.

2. The Fountain

I couldn't decide between this or TDK as my #1 film because I really like The Fountain alot. Hugh Jackman stars in three parallel stories about love, death, immortality, and holding on to what is dear to us. Everyone takes away something different from the film and that's what is so great about it. The visuals are superb as are the actors performances, now if it could get a proper DVD release!

1. The Dark Knight

The Batman film I had been waiting my whole life for! Nolan's sequel to Batman Begins is everything you want in a comic book film. But it's also a gritty crime film! Heath Ledger's Joker is crazy scary and well acted, and Eckhart as Harvery Dent is pretty damn good too!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Thursday, December 17, 2009

She Will Kick Your Ass

The latest poster from the comic book flick Kick-Ass featuring Hit Girl!

Iron Man 2 Trailer - Hell Yes

I dug the first one and this looks even better!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Maximum Munn

Here you go G4 fan boys. TMIAJ saved you five bucks. It's Olivia Munn in Maxim Magazine!

Gladiator II: Robin Hood Returns

No it's not Gladiator II but it is the trailer for the Ridley Scott directed Robin Hood starring Russel Crowe! Check it out! (Source: Comingsoon.net)

Monday, December 14, 2009

Damn The Gods

This is fucking awesome! New Clash Of The Titans trailer....enough said!

Kick-Ass Clip And New Poster

Here's a new poster that debuted at UGO featuring Nicolas Cage as Big Daddy in the upcoming flick, Kick-Ass. Plus a cool clip to follow!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Clash Of The Posters!

Three new Clash Of The Titans posters are out on the net and probably at your local cinema. They are pretty bad ass and click on them to see them larger!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Tron Legacy Poster

The long awaited sequel to Tron hits just over a year from now but today a poster and image have hit the web and it's bad ass. TMIAJ is very much looking forward to this flick!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Five Long Years

It's been five years since Dimebag Darell was murdered on stage and metal continues to miss a true master of shredding on the guitar. With that said TMIAJ pays tribute.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Land Of The Rats Week Day Five

TMIAJ has been spotlighting Mark Nasso's comic series, Land Of The Rats, all week long. All four issues in the series are now available from his company The Underground Forest here and coming soon they are all going to be collected in a trade paperback.
Here's what Nasso had to say about the upcoming collection. "I'm currently working on a trade paperback for the first four Land of the Rats books. IV will debut some time this fall and will be a 140-page epic. "First four" is a problematic term since Land of the Rats has never been periodical in format—stories are random and fall anywhere within the greater timeline."

"Readers will notice some gaps in events between issues: namely the sudden appearance of Lord Kaai and the Princess in The Woman from Iltharra and the question of events dealing with Jack's time in the Rat Temple of Irisius. Even stories dealing with Jack's stay of execution in the Sikkim dungeon and the War of Roulgga will see their own individual issues at one point thus removing Gastrolithicus from it's issue 1 spot. But for now these first four issues collected together form a quaint little story arc with a unique sense of character development beginning with Jack's release from the dungeon to his confrontation with the Scourlagg cult…and at the very least it's an excuse for me to finally put out a trade."

When it's availble to order TMIAJ will let you all know! For now check out the links below and in our links section to support The Underground Forest! Also check back soon for an interview with Mark Nasso and much more at TMIAJ!

Order Land Of The Rats Books Here!
Underground Forest Official Site
The Underground Forest At Comicspace
UF On Facebook

Friday, December 4, 2009

Land Of The Rats Week Day Four

The Woman from Iltharra
Our week long look continues at The Underground Forest's comic series, Land Of The Rats. Written and illustrated by Mark Nasso the series continues in the fourth book of the series.
Synopsis: After freeing Lord Kaai and his daughter from their dungeon prison, Jack Natari and his companions must confront the woman from Iltharra and her band of thieves in the desert Vastness of Blask.

As of now this is the last book published in the series, but there is more to come from Mark Nasso's Land Of The Rats series. Check back tomorrow for a look at the upcoming trade paperback and check the Underground Forest's comic space for preview art and more!

Order The Woman from Iltharra Here!

Underground Forest Official Site
The Underground Forest At Comicspace
UF On Facebook

McLovin Kick-Ass Poster

Ain't It Cool News has unveiled an exclusive look at McLovin as the Red Mist from the upcoming film adaption of the comic book series, Kick-Ass. The movie hits theaters in 2010 and in the mean time check out the new poster.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Celebration V Announcment

Starwars.com announced Celebration V today. Here's the details.

Commemorating the 30th Anniversary of Star Wars: Episode V The Empire Strikes Back and the ongoing, weekly adventures of Star Wars: The Clone Wars, Lucasfilm Ltd. and Reed Exhibitions' PopGroup will partner to produce what's expected to be one of the largest official Star Wars fan events ever -- featuring cast and crew celebrities, fan-run events, costumes, music, live entertainment, screenings, autographs, collectibles, panels and sneak peaks into the future of Star Wars.

Star Wars Celebration V will take place August 12-15, 2010, at the Orange County Convention Center in Orlando, Florida. A website, www.starwarscelebration.com, is dedicated exclusively to the event, and tickets to Star Wars Celebration V will be available for purchase online starting Thursday, December 10th. As always, Celebration will bring together the best of the Star Wars universe in one exciting, dynamic event!

Land Of The Rats Week Day Three

Today we look at book 3 in Mark Nasso's Land Of The Rats comic book series. Published by The Underground Forest, Mark's unique art style and story telling continues with this tale in the series. Support Mark by clicking the links in this post and in the link sections to the right!
Synopsis: While wandering in the Great Southern Vastness Jack Natari is captured by the evil South Men and enslaved in their ore mines. After weeks of torture he breaks through his chains and seeks a route through the tundra back to his jungle home in Rat City. But his journey home is postponed when he meets the mysterious ice beast known as Gastrolithicus.

You can preview this and all of the Land Of The Rats books at the Underground Forest's comic space page. Land Of The Rats week continues tomorrow!

Order Gastrolithicus Here!
Underground Forest Official Site
The Underground Forest At Comicspace
UF On Facebook

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Joana Loves Dogs

I love dogs. Cats not so much, but I do agree pets should be taken care of and treated properly. I'm all for adopting pets. But PETA sucks. We all know this. They are a strange organization who just seems to think that its a good idea to stick their name in the news now and again with some absurd idea or claim. But......these posters with Joana Krupa should be shared, so here you go. As usual click the images for larger ones.

Land Of The Rats Week Day Two

Encounter In The Vastness Part Two
Today TMIAJ continues our week long spotlight on Mark Nasso's comic book series, Land Of The Rats, published through his very own company, The Underground Forest.
Synopsis: Sent by the dragon Mephiliaxus, Jack Natari has entered the Underground Forest on a quest to deliver the Reladont from certain doom at the hands of the Scourlagg army. Within this subterranean land he learns of his own weakness and is soon faced with the evil Scourlagg leader, Rega IV who explains the truth about his motives for destroying the citadel of Vargoushh.

Check out the preview pages at his comic space site and if you dig it please order a copy or two and support him! Please continue to check back everyday for more from The Underground Forest!

Order Encounter In The Vastness Part Two Here!
Underground Forest Official Site
The Underground Forest At Comicspace
UF On Facebook

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Land of the Rats Week Day One

Encounter in the Vastness Part One
This week TMIAJ is spotlighting my friend's comic book series, Land Of The Rats. Today we preview the first issue of Mark Nasso's comic published through his company The Underground Forest.

Synopsis: It has been several months since Jack Natari left his homeland of Raelak, the land of the rats, on a quest. After visiting many distant lands and meeting many strange beings he now returns home weary.

But with the country of Raelak still afar, Jack seeks shelter in the citadel of Vargoushh in the desolate Vastness of Blask.

Check out the preview pages at his comic space site and if you dig it please order a copy and support him! Also check back everyday for more from The Underground Forest!
Order Encounter In The Vastness Part One here!!
Underground Forest Official Site
The Underground Forest At Comicspace
UF On Facebook

Iron Man 2

I totally missed this yesterday....but bad ass!!