Saturday, December 5, 2009

Land Of The Rats Week Day Five

TMIAJ has been spotlighting Mark Nasso's comic series, Land Of The Rats, all week long. All four issues in the series are now available from his company The Underground Forest here and coming soon they are all going to be collected in a trade paperback.
Here's what Nasso had to say about the upcoming collection. "I'm currently working on a trade paperback for the first four Land of the Rats books. IV will debut some time this fall and will be a 140-page epic. "First four" is a problematic term since Land of the Rats has never been periodical in format—stories are random and fall anywhere within the greater timeline."

"Readers will notice some gaps in events between issues: namely the sudden appearance of Lord Kaai and the Princess in The Woman from Iltharra and the question of events dealing with Jack's time in the Rat Temple of Irisius. Even stories dealing with Jack's stay of execution in the Sikkim dungeon and the War of Roulgga will see their own individual issues at one point thus removing Gastrolithicus from it's issue 1 spot. But for now these first four issues collected together form a quaint little story arc with a unique sense of character development beginning with Jack's release from the dungeon to his confrontation with the Scourlagg cult…and at the very least it's an excuse for me to finally put out a trade."

When it's availble to order TMIAJ will let you all know! For now check out the links below and in our links section to support The Underground Forest! Also check back soon for an interview with Mark Nasso and much more at TMIAJ!

Order Land Of The Rats Books Here!
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