Encounter in the Vastness Part One
This week TMIAJ is spotlighting my friend's comic book series, Land Of The Rats. Today we preview the first issue of Mark Nasso's comic published through his company The Underground Forest.
Synopsis: It has been several months since Jack Natari left his homeland of Raelak, the land of the rats, on a quest. After visiting many distant lands and meeting many strange beings he now returns home weary.
But with the country of Raelak still afar, Jack seeks shelter in the citadel of Vargoushh in the desolate Vastness of Blask.
Check out the preview pages at his comic space site and if you dig it please order a copy and support him! Also check back everyday for more from The Underground Forest!
Order Encounter In The Vastness Part One here!!
Underground Forest Official Site
The Underground Forest At Comicspace
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