Encounter In The Vastness Part Two
Today TMIAJ continues our week long spotlight on Mark Nasso's comic book series, Land Of The Rats, published through his very own company, The Underground Forest.
Synopsis: Sent by the dragon Mephiliaxus, Jack Natari has entered the Underground Forest on a quest to deliver the Reladont from certain doom at the hands of the Scourlagg army. Within this subterranean land he learns of his own weakness and is soon faced with the evil Scourlagg leader, Rega IV who explains the truth about his motives for destroying the citadel of Vargoushh.
Check out the preview pages at his comic space site and if you dig it please order a copy or two and support him! Please continue to check back everyday for more from The Underground Forest!
Order Encounter In The Vastness Part Two Here!
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