Thursday, September 30, 2010

Retroplex Cinema: Let The Right One In (2008)

It's time for a new addition of Retroplex Cinema.  We only go back two years this time to check out a film that has it's American remake hitting theaters tomorrow called Let Me In.  The original Let The Right One In is an amazing and haunting film that is highly recommended to watch.  Read on and about it here and go find this film to watch if you have not seen it already!
Let The Right One In (2008) is a Swedish horror film from director Tomas Alfredson.  Based on the novel of the same name by John Ajvide Lindqvist (who also wrote the screenplay), the film tells the story of a bullied 12-year-old boy who develops a friendship with a vampire child in Blackeberg, a suburb of Stockholm, in the early 1980s.
    (SPOILERS FOLLOW) Oskar , a meek 12-year-old boy, lives with his mother, Yvonne , in the western Stockholm suburb of Blackeberg in 1982. His classmates regularly bully him, and he spends his evenings imagining revenge. One night, he meets Eli , who has the physical appearance of a pale girl his own age. Eli has recently moved in next door to Oskar with an older man named Håkan ). Eli initially informs Oskar that they cannot be friends. However, over time, they begin to form a close relationship, with Oskar lending his Rubik's Cube to Eli, and the two exchanging Morse code messages through their apartment wall. Eli discovers that Oskar's schoolmates have bullied him after questioning him about a cut on his cheek, and encourages him to stand up for himself. This inspires Oskar to finally stand up to his tormentors during a field trip and to strike the leader of the bullies, Conny , on the side of the head with a pole, damaging his ear.

Meanwhile, Håkan has killed a local resident to provide blood for Eli. When he fails to return with the blood, Eli finds and kills a local resident named Jocke . Håkan attempts to hide his body in a lake, but Oskar's fellow-students discover it during a field trip. When his last attempt to secure blood fails, and he is about to be caught, Håkan purposely disfigures himself by pouring acid on his face, preventing the authorities from identifying him and tracing Eli. Eli finds out where Håkan is being held at the local hospital. Håkan lets Eli in the window and offers his neck for Eli to feed on. Afterwards, he falls out the window to his death. Now alone, Eli goes to Oskar's apartment and spends the night with him, during which time they agree to "go steady". Some time later, Oskar shows Eli a private place he knows. Unaware that Eli is a vampire, Oskar suggests that they form a blood bond, and cuts his hand, asking Eli to do the same. Eli, thirsting for blood but not wanting to harm Oskar, laps up his spilt blood before running away. Soon after, Eli attacks Virginia , a local woman. Her boyfriend, Lacke, who was also Jocke's best friend, turns up just in time to interrupt the attack.
      Virginia survives the attack, but soon discovers that she has become painfully sensitive to sunlight. Thirsting for blood, she pays a visit to her friend, the eccentric Gösta. Gösta's many cats attack her fiercely. In the hospital, Virginia asks an orderly to open the blinds in her room. When the sunlight streams in, she bursts into flames. Lacke, who has lost everything because of Eli, seeks out Håkan and Eli's apartment. He finds Eli asleep in the bathtub and, as he is about to strike, Oskar distracts him. Eli is alerted by the noise and kills Lacke. Eli realises that it is no longer safe to stay, and informs Oskar of this. The two kiss.

The next morning, Oskar receives a phone call from Conny's friend, Martin (Mikael Erhardsson), who lures Oskar out to resume an after-school fitness program at the local swimming pool. The bullies, led by Conny and his older brother, Jimmy , start a fire to draw Mr. Ávila , the teacher in charge, outside. This leaves Oskar trapped alone in the pool, where Jimmy forces him to hold his breath underwater for three minutes, threatening to cut Oskar's eye out if he fails. As Oskar is underwater, a commotion takes place above the surface. Soon, Jimmy's severed head drops into the pool, followed shortly by his arm, which was holding Oskar down. Oskar is then pulled out of the water by Eli. A closing wide shot reveals three dismembered bodies around the pool and Andreas , the reluctant fourth bully, sobbing on a bench. The film concludes with Oskar travelling on a train, with Eli beside him in a trunk to avoid the sunlight. Inside, Eli taps the word "kiss" to Oskar in Morse code, which he taps back.


Swedish critics generally expressed positive reactions to the film  Let the Right One In was well received by US critics. As of 2010 the film has a 97% "fresh" rating at Rotten Tomatoes based on 148 reviews, with an average rating of 8.2 out of 10, including a 97% "Cream of the Crop" rating from top critics, based on 29 reviews. Bloody Disgusting ranked the film first in their list of the 'Top 20 Horror Films of the Decade', with the article saying "It’s rare enough for a horror film to be good; even rarer are those that function as genuine works of art. Let the Right One In is one of those films – an austerely beautiful creation that reveals itself slowly, like the best works of art do. The simplicity of the story allows Swedish director Tomas Alfredson to focus on these two pre-teen characters with a penetrating insight that not only makes it a great vampire film but a great coming-of-age film as well. At its core, the film is, simply, a human story, a pensive meditation on the transcendent possibilities of human connection. Most of all, it’s a film that sticks with you, and whose stature will continue to grow in the decades to come." 
The film was released in North America on DVD and Blu-ray in March 2009 by Magnet Films, and in the UK in August by Momentum Pictures. The American discs feature both the original Swedish dialogue and an English dubbed version, while the European versions feature only the Swedish, and an audio-descriptive track in English. Icons of Fright reported that the American release had been criticized for using new, oversimplified English subtitles instead of the original theatrical subtitles.  The subtitle issue has since be resolved and if you pick the film up look on the back of the case for the words "original theatrical subtitles" for the corrected version.
 We have added a couple of different posters from the films release as well as the original cover for the novel.  The American remake is being directed by Matt Reeves and hit's theaters Friday. The remake takes place n New Mexico and is receiving very positive reviews so far.
When Reeves was initially approached, he at first was against the idea but after reading the novel gained a better appreciation for the story. "I said... that we shouldn't remake it. I read the book too and was completely taken with it and I was really intrigued how personal the story felt. I thought John Lindqvist had written this terrific story, and he also adapted it for the film... I wrote Lindqvist and told him that it wasn't just that I was drawn to the story because it was a brilliant genre story – which it is – but also because of the personal aspect of it. It really reminds me of my childhood."
Reeves was also asked to change the ages of the main characters, but he refused, saying that "would ruin the essence of the story and change everything completely...we need that childlike innocence." He also told his actors to not watch the original film beforehand so "we could make our own version but stay very true to the essence of the story."   TMIAJ has covered the film quite a bit and you can find all our coverage right here.
      We highly recommend watching the original film.  It's a deep emotional film that is different than most American horror films and quite refreshing to watch.  If you are a Netflix member it is available for free through their instant watch service! We hope you really enjoyed this edition of Retroplex Cinema and more to come at TMIAJ everyday!

Awesome Concept Art From Tron Legacy

This Tron Legacy concept art is on the net and it kicks ass!

Skyline Trailer

TMIAJ hadn't heard of this movie until today - where have we been?  But it looks really awesome!  It's called Skyline and it's from the directing duo The Brothers Strause and stars Eric Balfour and a bunch of other people with aliens invading!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Nolan Confirms He Is Directing Batman 3

Christopher Nolan sat down with Empire Magazine and finally confirmed what was expected ending the months of speculation:

"I don’t know if it’s announced or if it’s not announced," said Nolan. "It’s becoming inevitable, I’ll put it that way. I feel myself falling into it, I guess. And getting it all figured out and I’m pretty excited about what we’re doing so… If I haven’t announced it, I think that people probably all know at this point that I’m doing it."

Hang on, that's not 100% clear: so we can safely assume you're directing?   

"I think you can at this point,   yes."

Warner Brother's Reveals Plot Of Cancelled Justice League Movie

Warner Brothers has decided to release info on the proposed plot of the cancelled Justice League movie, as well as other details of the production. how much of this is true is unsure, but several media sites have reported it even though I was yet to find an actual source. So let's assume the source is Warner Brothers. It's an interesting read and it would have been a very cool film.

In 2006, after "Superman Returns" made disappointing numbers at the Box Office, Warner decide to produce a Live-Action Justice League movie to cash in the cartoon's popularity and luckily, jumpstart Spin-Off franchises starring the team's members.  A Script was written by Kieran and Michelle Mulroney, which made the Warner executives very happy. The movie would be set in the same Universe as "Batman Begins" and "Superman Returns" and have the following Plot.  

It'd begin with Superman, wearing a black and silver costume, landing on the rooftop of a church, where he meets with Wonder-Woman, the Flash, Green Lantern, Aquaman and Martian Manhunter. Together, they descend into the streets, where they are surrounded by civillians and journalists as they enter the church, where a funeral is being held. Batman watches them from a affar. 

Six days before, Batman, using a state-of-art surveilliance satellite called Brother-Eye, spies on the other members of the Justice League: Clark Kent, Diana from Themyscera, Barry Allen, John Stewart, Arthur Curry and John Jones.

After Batman leaves for a meeting with Maxwell Lord under his civillian identity, the Bat-computer in hacked by a outside source, that uses Brother-Eye to resume spying on John Jones, a police detective from Central City.

John receives a package and, upon opening, a swarm of nanobots is sprayed on his face. They enter his body and take over his movements, forcing him to reveal himself as the Martian Manhunter to his co-worker before making him fly to a certain location in Colorado.

Barry Allen spots him and attempts to follow him as the Flash, but fails. Upon arriving in Colorado, J'onn is captured by mysterious forces.

As the Justice League investigates Martian Manhunter's disappearance, Batman finds out Brother-Eye has been compromised and that the files he kept on how to defeat each member of the Justice League have been stolen.

Those files are uploaded on the OMACs, advanced cyborgs that take over ordinary people trough a nanovirus. The OMACs are send to destroy the Justice League, while a mysterious enemy uses the nanobots to take over Martian Manhunter's powers and use his telephaty to take over Superman and force him to kill Batman.

Wonder-Woman and Batman engage in a powerful battle against Superman, while Green Lantern and Aquaman fight the OMACs send after them and the Flash's investigation leads him to a castle in Belgica, where he is murdered by the mastermind behind the attack after finding J'onn. The mastermind is not one, but two: Maxwell Lord and Thalia Al Ghul.

Lord believes that the superheroes are taking over the world and changing the natural course of history, and wants to destroy them to "save the world", whereas Thalia, the new leader of the League of Shadows, wants revenge for her father's, R'as Al Ghul, death at the hands of Batman years prior.

They have created the OMAC virus with the help of an outside source and use the OMACs to attack the Justice League.

Batman finds Lord's hideout and Wonder-Woman snaps his neck to release J'onn and Superman from his control. Thalia fights Batman and is defeated, but the Justice League now has to deal with the OMAC army and the real mastermind behind it's creation: Lex Luthor.

Using a powerful EMP generator created by Wayne Industries and aided by the former Kid Flash, Wally West, now the second Flash, the Justice League defeats the OMACs, but Luthor gets away with his envolvement in all of this.

Batman leaves the group, Wonder-Woman receives murder charges and Wally decides to join the Justice League and honor his uncle's legacy. At the ending, it is revealed that there was a fouth villain envolved in the conspiracy: Darkseid, who is planning a invasion to Earth, setting up the sequel.

Warner hired George Miller to direct the movie and planned to have a big ensemble cast, with Brandon Routh as Superman; Christian Bale as Batman; Jessica Biel as Wonder-Woman; Anton Yelchin as the Flash; Columbus Short as Green Lantern; Leonardo DiCaprio as Aquaman; Lawrence Fishburne as Martian Manhunter; Scarlett Johansson as Thalia; Mel Gibson as Maxwell Lord and Kevin Spacey as Lex Luthor.

However, Christopher Nolan felt that the movie would damage the image of the sequel of "Batman Begins", "The Dark Knight", already in production.

To prevent this, Warner decide to rewrite the movie as of not being connected to the Nolanverse. This, allied to the fan backlash and the expensive taxes charged by the Australian government, led Warner to settle for a lesser cast, with D.J. Cotrona as Superman; Armie Hammer as Batman; Megan Gale as Wonder-Woman; Adam Brody as the Flash; Common as Green Lantern; Santiago Cabrera as Aquaman; Hugh Keays-Byrne as Martian Manhunter; Jay Baruchel as Maxwell Lord and Teresa Palmer as Thalia Al Ghul.

Miller decide to rewrite the movie by himself, making it a gritty, bloody, almost "Watchmen"-like tale that dwelved deeply into the Justice Leaguers troubled psyches. Warner decided that it was just not worth it to continue with the project and interrupted the production two weeks before filming began. Sets, props, costumes, storyboard and Animatics had already been done by the time.

The Justice League's headquarters would be the Hall of Justice in Washington, D.C., designed by Diana and John Stewart and funded by Bruce Wayne.

The Fortress of Solitude, the Batcave, the Themyscera embassy, Barry Allen's house, the Atlantis throne room and Maxwell Lord's mansion/headquarters would be heavily featured.

Superman's costume was all blue except for gold belt and red cape, and had Kryptonian lettering etched into its fabric, a digital print along his arms, like electronic data. His belt had fine detail that told the story of how he landed on earth.

Batman's suit was all black, more like a black-ops military soldier. Very bulky, solid and practical. He carried tools on his belt, like batrangs, hooks and gas grenades. Not as futuristic or sleek as the Nolan one.

Wonder Woman's armor was realistic, ancient Greek warrior, with leather bodice and a battle-skirt with greek symbols on the belt. No stars, stripes or spandex of any kind.

Flash had a classic suit - full red bodysuit, flash logo on chest, runners, the golden ear wings were smaller, and went straight back instead of outwards.

Green Lantern had the classic John Stewart version of the uniform, but more alien and organic-looking.

Aquaman had the modern look - long hair, green scaly tights, golden armor, but assymetrical, so his left shoulder was exposed. His left hand had a harpoon attachment.

Martian Manhunter used his original martian form troughout the movie.

Iris West would be heavily featured in the movie and Zoe Kazan was cast to play her. There were also rumors about a certain Dr. Patrick O'Brien, played by Bob Saget. You must remember that that's Plastic-Man's secret identity.

Further rewrites of the movie had the Justice League's origin being told, but still featured the OMACs and the League of Assassins. Further rewrites also had R'as Al Ghul, in the classic immortal eco-terrorist version, play a major part alongside Max, Thalia and Lex.

The Star Wars Saga Returns To Theaters In 3-D!

Lucasfilm Ltd. announced today that the live-action Star Wars Saga will be converted to 3D! There are few movies that lend themselves more perfectly to 3D; from the Death Star trench run to the Tatooine Podrace, the Star Wars Saga has always delivered an entertainment experience that is completely immersive. Presented by Twentieth Century Fox and Lucasfilm Ltd., the cutting edge conversion will take that immersion to the next thrilling level, with Industrial Light & Magic supervising the project. Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace is expected to be released theatrically in 2012. A release date has not yet been determined. "Getting good results on a stereo conversion is a matter of taking the time and getting it right," said John Knoll, Visual Effects Supervisor for Industrial Light & Magic. "It takes a critical and artistic eye along with an incredible attention to detail to be successful. It is not something that you can rush if you want to expect good results. For Star Wars we will take our time, applying everything we know both aesthetically and technically to bring audiences a fantastic new Star Wars  The films are expected to be released yearly with Episode I in 2012, Attack Of The Clones in 2013, Revenge Of The Sith in 2014, A New Hope in 2015, The Empire Strikes Back in 2016, and Return Of The Jedi in 2017.

SNIKT!! Comic Picks Of The Week

New comics hit stores today and here's the cool stuff! Check it!

Terminator 1984 #1
Written By Zack Whedon
Art By Andy MacDonald

After the shocking events he witnessed in humanity's future, Kyle Reese has made the history-changing jump from the year 2029 to a world previously beyond his imagining-1984 Los Angeles. It's a time before the war, before Skynet, but not without danger, as Kyle begins his mission to find and protect Sarah Connor from time-traveling T-800s. Close behind is Kyle's friend Ben, with a crucial mission of his own. Hot off the critically-acclaimed Terminator: 2029, Zack Whedon and Andy MacDonald begin the next chapter of Kyle's journey toward destiny in their gripping reimaging of James Cameron's classic.

Machete #0
Written By Robert Rodriguez & Aaron Kaufman
Art By Stuart Sayge

This special #0 issue carves its story from Robert Rodriguez's upcoming "Grindhouse" flick, Machete! In this introductory issue, which will lead into an all-new series in December, Rodriguez himself, alongside producer Aaron Kaufman, pens the ultimate "Mexploitation" tale of revenge as we see what drew Machete to first pick up the blades.


Star Wars: Blood Ties: A Tale Of Jango & Boba Fett #2
Written By Tom Taylor
Art By Chris Scalf

Then: Jango Fett, the most dangerous assassin/bounty hunter in the galaxy, never fails to get his man. But Jango has never had a success that has affected him this way.
Now: Boba Fett has taken up his father's mantle and lived up to Jango's fearsome reputation. But a secret from the past has Boba working a case he would normally dismiss and wondering if he actually knew his father as well as he thought . . .
Across the generations, and across the galaxy, if a Fett is on your trail, you've reached a dead end!

Monday, September 27, 2010

Vid Pick Of The Week: Iron Man 2 Alternate Opening

Iron Man 2 hits Blu Ray and DVD tomorrow, and here is the alternate opening you will find on the special features!

George Lucas Is In Clone Wars!

     "Star Wars" creator George Lucas will see some action in this week's episode of "Star Wars: The Clone Wars."
      When Pantoran Chairman Papanoida's family is kidnapped and held for ransom, Ahsoka Tano must team up with Senator Riyo Chuchi to aid the new chairman in recovering his family. It's a journey deep into the dark underbelly of the Coruscant crime scene, with an unlikely--and immediately recognizable--protagonist painted into a corner and forced into action in "Sphere of Influence," an all-new episode of "Star Wars: The Clone Wars" – airing at 9:00 p.m. ET/PT Friday, October 1 on Cartoon Network.
      Seen only briefly as a background character in Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith, Papanoida will nonetheless appear very familiar to "Star Wars" fans, film buffs and pop culture aficionados. He is, of course, modeled after "Star Wars" creator George Lucas – who also wore blue face paint for the character's live-action cameo debut.
     "My appearance in 'Episode III' was just for fun. Mostly, I did it for my kids," says Lucas. "I was wrapping the series, and I'd never been on-screen in a 'Star Wars' film, even though I'd been making them for decades. With 'The Clone Wars,' I get the best of both worlds, because I get a starring role but don't have to do any acting or wear any blue make-up."
     While Papanoida is featured fairly passively in his live-action incarnation, the character has an opportunity for a considerably more active role in "The Clone Wars." Taking him deep into the Coruscant underground, the Pantoran Chairman's mission gives him the chance to demonstrate his chops in a few decidedly action-oriented sequences.
     "We actually made Papanoida into kind of an action hero," says Dave Filoni, supervising director of "The Clone Wars." "The bad guys have his family, and he goes after them, blasters blazing. Shoot first, ask questions later. His character is very focused on finding and protecting his kids; it's a desperate situation, and he steps up. It's a fun episode with a lot of action – and it's unique, in that our normal heroes give up the spotlight while Papanoida takes matters into his own hands. This was a surreal episode to produce, since the guy on screen was sitting right next to me while we were making it."

Sunday, September 26, 2010

TMIAJ One Year Anniversary Retro Trailers Special!

Tomorrow a new week begins but to end the weekend and to conclude the TMIAJ one year celebration, here are some awesome retro movie trailers for your enjoyment.  It's certainly more fun to watch than what's in theaters right now.  Which is pretty much jack shit! Again we thank you for all the support!

Star Wars:  The original trailer for the greatest film saga of all time!

Robocop:  The original trailer for this classic sci-fi flick!  it's still a bit cheesy today but still fun and violent as hell!

Aliens:  James Cameron's classic!

Batman (1966):  Not the TIm Burton film or the Chris Nolan version but the original 1966 Batman film.  Cheese at it's finest!!

Highlander:  This classic film still kicks ass!

Flash Gordon:  If you don't enjoy this movie then you just don't like science fiction!  And the theme song is unforgettable!! Flash ah-ahhh!!!

Raiders Of The Lost Ark:  The greatest action adventure of all time!

Star Trek II: The Wrath Of Khan:  The best of the Trek films!

Tombstone:  One of the best modern westerns made!

We hope you enjoyed watching these and perhaps some of these films will end up in Retroplex Cinema reports one day!! Here's to another year of TMIAJ!

Friday, September 24, 2010

TMIAJ Turns 1!

Trust Me I'm A Jedi turns one year old today!  When this blog/site was started we weren't really sure what it was for.  It's mostly for a place for our friends to come and check out cool stuff.  Sure there are sites to get this stuff and probably faster than we provide it, but our goal is not to compete with the big boys.  It's simply to have fun and talk about the stuff we love.  Comics, movies, music, chicks, video games, crazy stuff and more!!  Thank you to every one for your support and here's to another year!!

In the coming weeks look for a new Retroplex Cinema, Pearl Jam's 20th Anniversary Celebration kicks off on TMIAJ, more TGIF Girl's, Vid Picks Of The Week, and so much more!! Stay tuned!

Evans On The Captain America Set

Chris Evans has been working out.  A lot.  Picks of him on the Captain America set have hit at INFdaily and man did he bulk up.  He certainly looks the part of Steve Rodgers thats for sure!

Smallville Premieres Tonight!

The 10th and final season of Smallville begins tonight as Clark races towards his true destiny!  Check out this clip from the premiere episode!

The T.G.I.F. Girl

Trust Me I'm A Jedi, or TMIAJ, is one year old today.  She's helping us celebrate!  We didn't think you would mind!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

DC Universe Online With Jim Lee Director Comments

Jim Lee takes a look at the upcoming DC Universe Online with this directors commentary trailer and the original trailer form Comic-Con is below it!

Pigtails Anyone?

Kim Kardashian at Oktoberfest in Germany, in pigtails......we thought we would share.

Editor's Note:  We know everyone is so sick of hearing about the Kardashians but we have posted one other thing about her and it is one of the most viewed stories we have ever done on TMIAJ.  The Kardashians are off the charts when it comes to internet searches and plus they are kinda hot and since it's a lot of men reading TMIAJ, what the hell right!

New Trailer For Harry Potter & The Deathly Hallows Part 1

TMIAJ doesn't talk about Harry Potter a whole lot.  Frankly we just aren't big fans but this trailer for Harry Potter & The Deathly Hallows Part 1 is pretty damn good so here it is to check out.

Social Reznor Music

Trent Reznor of Nine Inch Nails fame and Atticus Ross have written the score for the upcoming Facebook movie, The Social Network.  You can get a 5-track EP sampler here and pre-order the entire album! 

All Star Superman Trailer!

Following Superman/Batman: Apocalypse, DC's next animated feature will be All-Star Superman. The title will hit stores in Winter 2011 and you can watch the trailer below, thanks to MTV. The trailer will be included with Superman/Batman: Apocalypse.
     Based on Grant Morrison and Frank Quitely's 12-issue "All-Star Superman" series, the animated movie will feature "Desperate Housewives" actor James Denton as the voice of the Man of Steel, "Mad Men" actress Christina Hendricks as Lois Lane, and "Without a Trace" leading man Anthony LaPaglia as Lex Luthor. In the story, Superman is faced with mortality and  has to decide what is truly important to the last survivor of Krypton


Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Nolan Talks Inception Game And Batman 3

Christopher Nolan has said that he has ideas for a game based on Inception.  "We are looking at doing is developing a videogame based on the world of the film, which has all kinds of ideas that you can't fit into a feature film," Nolan said. "That's something we've been talking about and are looking at doing long term, in a couple of years."  Inception has earned $285 million domestically and $468 million internationally.

     In related news Nolan has confirmed that he is writing the follow-up to The Dark Knight but Warner Brothers has not given it the green light yet.  Say what?  Relex this is common for a studio until the movie is closer to a filming date.  We assure you that Batman 3 will happen!

Fantastic Let Me In Poster

Fantastic Fest is going on this weekend and this awesome poster for Let Me In is being shown there.  The studio should buy this and use it for the film itself.  It's awesome.  Let Me In hits theaters October 1st!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

SNIKT!! Comic Picks Of The Week

It's time for SNIKT!! boys and girls, so pull up a chair, write it all down, and get to your comic book store tomorrow and buy this stuff!!

Mickey Mouse & Friends #300

Written By Stefan Petrucha, Floyd Gottfredson 
Art By Cèsar Ferioli, Gottfredson
Covers by Casty, Daan Jippes 

Almost 70 years in the making! Don't miss this blockbuster 300th issue as the seminal fan-favorite series returns with an unforgettable line-up of stories! First, mouse mischief multiplies when a cloning experiment goes wrong in a tale that can only be called "300 Mickeys!" Then, experience the classic Floyd Gottfredson tale, "Dan the Dogcatcher", in its first wide U.S. release since 1932, and in its original layout! Available in two versions: the Regular version featuring a cover by Disney modern master, Casty; or the Deluxe version, with a special cover surprise by Disney Comics legend, Daan Jippes! 

Flash #5

Written By Geoff Johns
Art By  Francis Manipul

BRIGHTEST DAY continues with a shocking connection to the White Light as Captain Boomerang and the Reverse-Flash experience a bizarre event that ties them together. Meanwhile, it's the Rogues vs. the Renegades with The Flash caught in the middle!

Nemesis #3

Written By Mark Millar
Art By Steve McNiven

Don't worry, everyone. Nemesis has been captured and put in the highest security prison that America has to offer. Problem solved. Series over. What's that? It's only issue three? Uh-Oh! More shocking twists and turns from the masters of modern comic-book awesomeness Mark Millar (KICKASS, CIVIL WAR) and Steve McNiven (WOLVERINE: OLD MAN LOGAN, CIVIL WAR)

This Poster Is Walking

AMC released today the key art for its upcoming original drama The Walking Dead, which premieres Halloween night, October 31 at 10pm.

Executive produced and written by three-time Academy Award nominee Frank Darabont, "The Walking Dead" tells the story of the months and years that follow after a zombie apocalypse.

The series stars Andrew Lincoln (Love Actually), Jon Bernthal (The Pacific), Sarah Wayne Callies (Prison Break), Laurie Holden (The Mist), Jeffrey DeMunn (The Green Mile), Steven Yeun (The Big Bang Theory) and Emma Bell (The Bedford Diaries) as a group of survivors traveling in search of a safe and secure home.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Vid Pick Of The Week: Pearl Jam's 20th Anniversary: Amongst The Waves

Now and then TMIAJ likes to cover some major music news so this week we break away from the norm with our Vid Pick Of The Week.  Pearl Jam is one of America's all time great rock bands and starting in October the 20th anniversary of the band kicks off for the next year!  TMIAJ will be celebrating this starting in October with several tributes and articles on the band through out the 20th anniversary!  For now here is a preview so to speak of whats to come during the celebration with the bands latest music video for "Amongst The Waves" from their outstanding 2009 album Backspacer.

Star Sapphire In Green Lantern!! No Not Quite!

Blake Lively chatted with MTV and was asked about playing Carol Ferris in Green Lantern following her role in The Town.
     "To get to do a role like this that is so dark and so different and so broken and then to go be in a superhero movie opposite such amazing actors and an incredible director, and not just be the damsel in distress, be a fighter pilot, be his boss at the company, to play women with strengths are the characters I'm most attracted to," Lively said.
Carol ultimately becomes the villain Star Sapphire in the comics, but will there be any signs of that in the first film?
     "No, not yet," Lively added. "Well, I mean, there are always winks and homages to certain things in the comics for the fans, but I don't think you know yet how evil she turns."
     The Martin Campbell-directed Green Lantern is scheduled to hit theaters on June 17.So there really wasn't a whole lot of point to this story but it gave us a reason to post a picture of Blake and her hotness!!

Friday, September 17, 2010

Kevin Flynn Returns!

A new Tron Legacy banner is out featuring Jeff Bridges as Kevin Flynn,  It's very similar to the international poster we showed off, only bigger!

The T.G.I.F. Girl

Football is in season! Winter time is almost here.  Girls in tight fitting jeans....we got 'em!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Unused Drew Struzan Art

You may or may not know it, but you're familiar with the art of Drew Struzan. If you've seen the movie posters for E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial, Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, Star Wars, Back to the Future or Big Trouble in Little China, then you have seen his work.  Struzan has a new book out called The Art Of Drew Struzan and we thought we would share a couple of pieces we thought were cool!

Voltron Concept Art

Voltron has been long rumored to be in development for a few years now, especially after the huge sucess of the Transformers franchise. is showing off to pieces of supposed concept art from a pitch for the film. It appears that Atlas Entertainment has taken the reins on the project and is gearing up this pretty impressive pitch. Apparently, they've hired the currently hot screenwriting tag-team of Thomas Donnelly and Joshua Oppenheimer.  The duo is writing the upcoming Conan movie and more.  Click the Jo Blo link in the article for hi-res picks.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Star Wars: Clone Wars Adventures Has Launched!

Clone Wars Adventures is an action-packed online game set in the world of the hit television series Star Wars™: The Clone Wars. Clone Wars Adventures is an action-packed browser-based virtual world where fans can live out the thrills and excitement of Star Wars: The Clone Wars animated TV series on Cartoon Network. Players will be able to battle alongside their favorite Star Wars characters like Anakin Skywalker
, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Yoda, and Ahsoka Tano. Players can go online to experience fun minigames, daily activities, events, rewards, lively social environments and competitions. Clone Wars Adventures is a dynamic world and will be updated with new content following new episodes of the animated series.
 Star Wars: Clone War Adventures offers a number of features, including:

Extending the Fantasy
: Kids no longer have to wait until the next exciting episode of Star Wars: The Clone Wars animated TV series to continue exploring and enjoying the Star Wars universe. With Clone Wars Adventures, kids can go online to experience exciting thrills as they duel iconic adversaries with their own custom Lightsaber, speed through the galaxy in a Starfighter, defeat enemies and take down starships.

•Free Play or Upgrades: Clone Wars Adventures is a free-to-play game, but players who want to take the galactic action to the next level can purchase a monthly Jedi Membership subscription for $5.99. Players can also buy cool Star Wars universe items from within the game through micro-transactions using Station Cash.

Minigames & More: From Droid Programming to Speeder Bike Racing, Clone Wars Adventures puts you in the driver seat to experience epic action in immersive minigames that take you to your favorite locations in the galaxy. Become the proud owner of a tricked out Droid pet or throw a party in your player house - the fun is seemingly endless!

Fun With Friends: Whether you are on adventures with old friends or competing for leaderboard status with new ones, Clone Wars Adventures is a lively virtual world that connects players in fun and safe ways. Show off your achievements in your Trophy Room, use safe chat and emoticons to express yourself and celebrate in-world events with the entire galaxy!

Kid-Friendly: Parental controls allow for the customization of safety options, including pre-canned chat and playtime settings for younger players.

Retail Package: The Clone Wars Adventures Galactic Passport is scheduled to be available at thousands of retail locations in North America later this fall and will include a 90-day membership, 500 Station Cash, the ability to unlock the Togruta playable character, a Yoda monitor topper, and more.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Retroplex Cinema Special: Modern Movie Retro Posters

This is a special Retroplex Cinema not featuring a movie but instead some cool posters we found on the net from an artist.  These are some modern movie posters done in vintage retro styles and are way to cool to not be seen.  So here they are for you all to view.  The actual modern movie posters are shown too for comparison.