Friday, October 8, 2010

News Updates: Transformers 3 Title, New X-Men Game, and More!

It's been a slow week with news and such but a few notes and such we wanted to hit on:

-- The title for Transformers 3 appears to be Transformers: The Dark Of The Moon.  All though not completely confirmed yet, website domains, books, and other material make it almost legit!

-- There is a new X-Men game coming next year called X-Men: Destiny.  Check out the trailer below.

-- Emma Stone (left) has been cast as Gwen Stacey in the upcoming Spider-Man 3D reboot.  With the red hair wouldn't she be a better Mary Jane?

--  The trailer for Green Lantern will premiere on November 19th in front of Harry Potter & The Deathly Hallows Part 1.  Green Lantern hits theaters in June 2011.