Thursday, May 6, 2010

Quick News Bites!

Getting caught up some news as TMIAJ continues to work on site improvements!

-- Hugo Weaving (Mr. Smith in The Matrix Trilogy) has signed on to play the Red Skull in The First Avenger: Captain America

-- Matthew Vaughn (Kick-Ass) has signed on to direct X-Men: First Class. It's due in theaters June 3, 2011. I'm all for another X-Men film but that seems awfully quick to get it in theaters. Last time that happened it was called X-Men Origins: Wolverine and look how that turned out.

-- Iron Man 2 hits theaters tomorrow so go check it out.

-- Warner Brothers announced that the first trailer for the Green Lantern film will be on the Blue Ray/DVD of the Clash Of the Titans remake hitting stores this July.

Stay tuned for more to come at TMIAJ!!!